The Development of Islam in Indonesia in 1945-2021


  • Ilham Nasrul UIN SUSKA Riau
  • Ismail Pane IAI Dar Aswaja Rokan Hilir Riau



This article reviews "The Development of Islam in Indonesia in 1945-2021" from a historical perspective. The results of the analysis are as follows: There have been significant changes in Indonesian history related to the development of Islam. For example Islamic banks and Mu'amalah banks have been operating in almost every Muslim area that can be seen and felt with the naked eye (region). our nation, especially in cities, as well as in the world of Indonesian Islamic education, even though in practice there are still some deficiencies and irregularities. Likewise, lectures from Indonesian clerics have helped students improve literacy (writing skills and public speaking skills). Like ustadz Abdul Somad and other ustadz lately. Ustadz's lectures can currently be accessed through various media, such as Youtube. As long as the signal is connected, this lecture can be accessed anywhere and anytime. The internet offers access to various scientific fields besides Islamic da'wah. Now, there are many opportunities for us to create other types of scholarship, such as "Islamic History of Southeast Asia" or "The History of the Entry of Islam into Indonesia", as well as learn how to read the Al-Quran correctly. In today's era, we use various media, including Whatsapp (WA), Facebook (FB), Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, and so on. In conclusion, the history of Islam in Indonesia today has developed much differently from previous Islamic history.




How to Cite

Nasrul, I., & Ismail Pane. (2023). The Development of Islam in Indonesia in 1945-2021. EDUCATE : Journal of Education and Culture, 1(1), 34–38.


